Samstag, 5. April 2008

Wir lernen bloggen!

On Saturday, April 5, 2008, AATG members and Catholic University professors Kerstin Gaddy and Claudia Bornholdt conducted a wonderful workshop on using blogs in the classroom. The workshop was part of the yearly MFLA (Maryland Foreign Language Association) Spring conference. This conference is dedicated to the use of technology in foreign language teaching.

Don't miss out next year!

Wer sind wir?

The Maryland Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German is an organization that supports German teachers in the state of Maryland and the greater Washington, DC region. Deutsch macht Spaß in Maryland is designed to record the many events and activities of AATG-Maryland/DC throughout the year.

Das Maryland Chapter der AATG ist ein Verband, der DeutschlehrerInnen im Bundesstaat Maryland und in der Region um die Hauptstadt Washington unterstützt. Unser Blog informiert über die vielen Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten des Chapters im Jahr.